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Top rentals

    DOONA Stroller-Car Seat

    From $71.00 - $165.00MXN x día
    Transport system that allows you to go from car seat to stroller in seconds! Ideal for the first months of your baby where you don't want to "wake him up" to get him in or out of the car. Includes stroller base. *You must select the start and end day of your rental in order to see a price for the range of dates selected.

    Small portable crib

    From $30.00 - $71.42MXN x día
    It is a travel cot and also a co-sleeping bed, ideal for your baby's first months or short trips! If your baby sleeps well you will sleep well too! It is easy to assemble and light to carry. For babies 0-6 months. Dimensions: Length: 99 cm // Width 60 cm // Height 80 cm *Includes mattress sheet. *You must select the start and end day of your rental in order to see a price for the range of dates selected.

    Large Portable Crib

    From $36.00 - $85.71MXN x día
    Ideal para tus viajes cortos! Si tu bebe duerme bien tu dormirás bien también! Es sencilla de armar e incluye cambiador. Cuenta con dos posiciones, la de moisés para bebés de 1-6 meses y cuna/corral para recién nacidos o hasta los 36 meses. Ideal para siestas, dormir o momentos de juego. Dimensiones: Largo: 100 cm // Ancho 71 cm // Alto 66 cm *Incluye sábana para colchón y colchón adicional (especificar si se requiere).   **Select a date range to see the final price.

    Flotador de Alberca

    From $28.00 - $42.85MXN x día
    Ideal para días de calor! Flotador práctico para la alberca, con toldo para proteger a tu pequeño del sol. Se recomienda a partir de los 6 meses. *You must select the start and end day of your rental in order to see a price for the range of dates selected.


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