Stroller and carseat From $323.85 - $381.00MXN x 7 días
Booster From $56.34 - $66.29MXN x 7 días
Travel cot with changing table
From $84.54 - $99.46MXN x 7 días
Pack n’ Play crib with changing table
Playpen cot with reversible changing table with two levels depending on the age of your baby, so it can also be used as a co-sleeping cot.
Playpen cot with reversible changing table with two levels depending on the age of your baby, so it can also be used as a co-sleeping cot.
*Includes set of sheets.
**Remember that the longer you rent the price per week decreases. Select the date range to see the final price. You must select the start and end day of your rental to see a price for the range of dates selected.
Category: Let's sleep Tags: Chicco, Travel cot, Cuna de Viaje, Carry cot, Pack & Play
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